


We hope to create a place, sometimes gentle and quiet, sometimes lively and amusing, which connected with our life, giving us an introverted power. It may not bring you a momentary shock like a building, but it melts everything inclusively. Just like spring breeze or morning rain, soft, silent but mighty.    


Jiu Li is an attempt to re-energize the space of the venue. Based on the relatively traditional Chinese space framework, it draws closer to contemporary life.


Using the temporary front filed as the medium of style and space, we take the architectural framework as the source point, to fully extend the space energy. The display interface is extended through contact with the urban road. The small cross axis, as the front field structure, introduces the crowd to the front filed, and create the experience and guidance in a rich visual stay, which forms a sales-based spatial scene.


At the end of the north-south axis, the small garden is released by a rotating screen, showing the diverse attributes of the seasons. Embedded in the corridor, it will bring you surprisingly colorful sights at a casual glance. 


The most challenges of the backcourt are the arrangement of angle space at two axes and the large volume of building to the construction of the landscape. In addition to previous advantages, such as the large facade with open windows of the building and the relatively complete backcourt land, it’s also difficult to create separate functional units and incorporate roads, participation, and amusement space into an integrated system. That's where innovation comes in.

口袋公园想法是团队在近期设计中一直保持的一个方向,看过简. 雅科布斯,《美国大城市的死与生》这本书的同学会发现,作者提到温情脉脉的街道公园,口袋公园,MINI花园等各种城市空间的活力体系在国内是长期缺失的,由于城市行政管理制度及体系不同, 导致设计师和公众很难主动参与到城市节点的营造与开发中。

The idea of a pocket park is a direction that the team has been taking in recent projects. Those who have read the book The Death and Life of Great American Cities, by Jane Jacobs, will find that the dynamic system of various urban spaces such as pocket parks, Mini gardens, and welcoming street park, has long been missing in China. Since the different system and regulations of the city administration, it is difficult for designers or the public to take active participation in the construction and development of urban nodes. 

所以我们的设计方向是希望归还公园于大众,打破传统大锅饭式的公园体验方式,拆掉围墙,也拆掉心理上的阻隔。创造一种有活力的口袋公园系统,激发公共领域里空间的活力,使其作为交通节点的同时发挥场地潜力,在不同的阴影空间的变化中植入合适的功能, 将各种活动融合在社区中,使得公众能够闲适的放松交流,自由的人文精神在这里得以体现。

Therefore, we hope to give the park back to the public, breaking the traditional, ambiguous way of experiencing the park, removing the wall as well as the psychological barrier. Create a dynamic pocket park system that inspires the vitality of the space in the public domain, enabling it to serve as a transport node while leveraging the potential of the site, embedding appropriate functions in the variations of different shadow spaces, integrating activities into the community, where the public can relax and communicate comfortably, where the liberal humanistic spirit is embodied.


Designing to create a community through a way of thinking out of the community, this may be the ideal and interest of our residential design. We change for it, work hard for it and are excited about it.

里表都会UNLIMITED METROPOLIS 以创造设计价值为初衷,立足首都北京,努力成为多样艺术创意的设计机构,景观设计类型包括高端商业地产、多业态酒店、产业园区、现代居住社区,以及大尺度的公园、城市更新等,服务于万科,华润,保利,融创等多家优质的开发商。





